Making a Simple YouTube Video with Audacity and OpenShot
I have often wanted to extract a good clip from an audio file and publish it on YouTube. I finally got around to doing it and it was easier than I had imagined (once I figured it out). All I’m doing here is creating a video with a still picture and audio.
- I’m using Fedora Linux. I had Audacity(audio editor) installed, but it did not have MP3 (which was the type of my audio file) support. Thankfully, there was an easy fix:
- $ sudo yum remove audacity
- $ sudo yum install audacity-freeworld
- Thanks to
- My .mp3 file was almost two hours long. I wanted about three minutes of it. I opened the .mp3 file and found the location of the clip and then did the following:
- Clicked on the wave pattern about where I wanted the clip to start
- Shift-clicked on the wave pattern about where I wanted it to end
- Hit the space bar to play/pause the clip.
- When paused, edit the start and end points by Shift+left-arrow/right-arrow to expand the selection and Control+Shift+left-arrow/right-arrow to contract. Click on the timeline above the wave pattern to start at that point (when tweaking the end of the selection).
- When you’re happy with your selection, go to Edit->Trim
- Move the selection to the start of the timeline by going to Tracks->Align Tracks->Align to Zero
- Go to File->Export … , select .mp3 as the format. and hit Save.
- More thorough instructions from the Audacity team
- Now open OpenShot.
- Right-click in the top right panel and choose “Import Files” to add the .mp3 clip and an image.
- Drag the audio into Track 2.
- Drag the image into Track 1.
- Right-click on the audio in Track 2 and choose “Properties”, so to the “Length” tab and copy the value for “Out”.
- Follow the same steps for the image in Track 1, but paste in the value you copied from the audio
- Got to File->Export Video …
- Give it a name and select where to export it
- For Profile, select Web
- For Target, select YouTube
- Click “Export Video”
- Instructions with screenshots
Congratulations, you’re ready to upload your video to YouTube!
Written on November 19, 2011