More Rails 3 in Action Fun: Chapter 4


The problems with outdated code unfortunately doesn’t end with Cucumber. FactoryGirl also has new syntax. Here is my solution:

p. 84: I kept Listing 4.1 as is.

I had to add handlers for things formerly handled by web_steps.rb. Here are the second two I had to create:

When /^I follow “(.*?)”$/ do |arg1|

Then /^I should be on the project page for "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1|
  current_path.should == project_path(Project.find_by_name!(arg1))
` On to Factory Girl: On page 85 add ‘factory\_girl\_rails’ instead of ‘factory_girl’ Then your first step definition should be: `
Given /^there is a project called "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1|
  project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, :name => arg1)
` The code for factories/project_factory.rb is (p. 86) `
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :project do
    name 'Ticketee'
` features/support/factories.rb is now unnecessary and will cause your definitions to be loaded twice. That’s only section 4.1, but should get you going.

Written on October 14, 2012