DIY Git Repos


I have several sites that I’ve been tracking with Git on my desktop and want to be able to work on my laptop and keep it all in sync.  Here’s what I did:

  1. Created a repos directory in my home directory
  2. cd into it
  3. $ git clone –bare /var/www/html/[site-dir] for each site
  4. Go into the actual directory for each site and point the new bare repo as its master:
    $ git remote add origin ~/repos/[site-name].git
    $ git branch –set-upstream master origin/master
  5. On the laptop, cd to /var/www/html and for each site:
    $ git clone user@desktop:~/repos/[site-dir].git
  6. Then use git pull and git push to keep the directories synced up
Written on May 27, 2013