Via the the impressive wordpress-to-jekyll-exporter, I’ve managed to convert my codeblog WordPress blog to Jekyll.
Jekyll is not the new WordPress. It’s apples and oranges.
In WordPress, you go to your administration page and select to add a new post and are greeted with a nice interface to compose and configure your new post.
In Jekyll, you add a text file to the _posts directory. The name of the text file must be in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd-slug, where
- yyyy is the four digit year
- mm is the one to two digit month
- dd is the one to two digit day
- slug is the title you see in your browser’s address bar. For example, my-new-blog-post
The content of the properly named and placed text file then has the following format:
There’s actually a lot more as far as global configuration, etc., but I actually like the idea (for simpler blogs) of just adding a text file (once you get the gist of YAML, Jekyll configuration, and Markdown) to create a new blog post.